Python Syllabus

Week 1: Python Basics

  • Day 1: Introduction to Python, Installation
  • Day 2: Python Syntax, Indentation
  • Day 3: Variables, Data Types
  • Day 4: Basic Input/Output
  • Day 5: Operators and Expressions

Week 2: Control Flow and Functions

  • Day 6: Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
  • Day 7: Loops (for, while)
  • Day 8: Functions (Defining, Calling, Parameters)
  • Day 9: Return Statements, Scope
  • Day 10: Modules and Packages

Week 3: Data Structures Part 1

  • Day 11: Lists (Creation, Indexing, Slicing)
  • Day 12: Lists (Methods, Iteration)
  • Day 13: Tuples (Creation, Unpacking)
  • Day 14: Dictionaries (Creation, Methods)
  • Day 15: Sets (Creation, Methods)

Week 4: Data Structures Part 2

  • Day 16: File Handling (Reading, Writing)
  • Day 17: Exception Handling (Try, Except)
  • Day 18: List Comprehensions
  • Day 19: More on Functions (Lambda, Map, Filter)
  • Day 20: Advanced Concepts (Decorators, Generators)

Week 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Day 21: Introduction to OOP
  • Day 22: Classes and Objects
  • Day 23: Constructors, Methods
  • Day 24: Inheritance
  • Day 25: Polymorphism

Week 6: Intermediate Python

  • Day 26: Working with Files and Directories
  • Day 27: Regular Expressions
  • Day 28: Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup
  • Day 29: Introduction to Testing (Unit Testing)
  • Day 30: Debugging and Profiling

Week 7 , 8 : Sample Python project & coding practice